Thursday, October 26, 2006

The Playground

We watch angry children on forgotten playgrounds
Under blue ceilings painting possibilities over grass greener on paper
In books
In Congress
With morality forgotten on swings
Sand crunching underfoot
A reminder of where we began
And of where we end up depending on our playground.

This used to be our playground--
After-school NBA and Julliard for free
Changed by politics crumpling good ideas into smaller spaces,
Safer places,
Crafting smiling faces between graffiti art that stabs conscience in the gut.
Ignorance pleads innocence and greed finds no need
No need.

Where is our playground?
Custodians dole out balls like precious coins
Cashed before recess
Cashed in Congress
And there is no change
No change.

Where is our playground?
Here polarities jumprope without argument
--Refineries and writing
--Murder and math
--Toxins and teachers
--Risks and reading

Under blue ceilings painting possibilities over grass greener on paper
Ignorance finds rest
Greed finds peace
And reality finds a playground guarded by teachers without ammunition.


jay are said...

I have to read it about 15 more times and then it'll all soak it. Very awesome.

Rob said...

well, that was a cheery little ditty... ;-)